Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Free Condoms to be Given Away to Public High School Students

Truth is that the cases of Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV in the country has been rising drastically. The government must do something to help diminish the number of  HIV cases in the country. But not giving away free condoms to high school students in public schools.

It is a wrong move for DOH and DepEd. Looking at psychological theories and researches such as Erikson`s Psycho-social Theory of Development, which I know DepEd Officials are well acquainted with. On the said theory, it is suggested that at ages 12 -20, the age bracket where the high school students belong, the rites of passage from childhood to adolescence happens. During the said stage a person is more curious about trying out things because s/he is in the process of developing his/her identity and role in the society where he/she belongs.

These may result to behaviors that would worsen the HIV-AIDs cases in the country. The move shows that DOH did not think of the possible consequences of the program.  That encourages immorality in the first place. It is like saying to the teens “Go, have sex! You are protected. “

There are other means by which the problem on HIV-AIDs should be addressed. For me it would be better if they would allocate the budget for free condoms on strengthening school curriculum on sex education. Educational campaigns would engender fruitful results that giving away free condoms to teens like a license to commit immorality.

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